Category: Singles

Increased Dating Anxiety since the Pandemic

Read Rachel’s take on dating in the year 2020, published in The Sydney Morning Herald

June 30 2020

Sail through the end of the day, wind down for bedtime and sleep your best sleep ever. HELP SOMEONE OUT Whether it’s leaving a note in your elderly neighbor’s letterbox offering to…

May 20 2020 - third brain
The Gut Brain

Why you need to listen to your gut when thinking about dating and relationships.

How to have a civil relationship with your ex

Listen Here

20 May 2020 - happily ever after
Relationships: Happy Ever After?

You know the drill: meet, fall in love, marry (if you want to) and live happily ever after. But as many of us discover, when you throw career aspirations, kids and…

Romantically Challenged

Why does rejection hurt so much? Psychologist Rachel Voysey’s answer might surprise you. Rejection is an inevitable part of dating so Sami Lukis chats to Psychologist Rachel about how we can…